
Roles, Rules and Relationships – How to Build Corporate Responsibility in a Digital Age

The digital age we live in put strains on corporate culture that has never been seen before. Werther it is concerning the internal digital use or the external for investors involved in corporate governance, responsibility is a major factor to consider.

In a study from University of Warwick it is stated that happy employees are 12 percent more productive. It is also to be understood that happy employees comes from creating a positive company culture. This in its turn goes hand in hand with corporate responsibility, because happy employees will contribute to positive changes for business and stay clear of wrong-doing and harming behaviour.

However, in a digital landscape it can sometimes be hard to navigate in which direction one goes right and one goes wrong. With the ever changing digital landscape, regulatory changes and cyber breaches are quite hard to stay on top of. It is therefore not uncommon for companies to struggle when trying to build their perfect corporate responsibility. Though the solution might be easier than thought to be, it is all about creating the same feeling of responsibility throughout the line of employees.

Three Rs of corporate responsibility

Corporate responsibility has always been a matter very safeguarded in the corporate governance plan. And with a digitisation and fast paced work environment, it has grown even more important to know what is expected in order to keep a good culture of liability and care. As stated in a publication by Deloitte, there are three pillars to create responsibility and determine a level of motivation within a workplace. These are as described below.

  • Rules

Are people observing and engaging in the rules? 

The way of teaching each and every one of employees how the rules for their company not only affects them, but also the way a company is looked at is crucial. With understanding of why company procedure looks like it does, so follows right-doing. This is especially important as to the digital guidelines, because they are not always clear and communicated as strictly as office policy or customer relation matters.

  • Roles

Are the roles clear?

Not knowing who is in charge of what can be a fast way to facing difficulties with the digital world. Because the pace has become faster, so has the potential problems caused by digitisation grown. Having a clear structure as to who deals with what if a possible problem occurs can save companies from countless hours of problem-solving.

  • Relationships

Do the involved people feel connected?

Team members invested in each other’s growth also are more likely to be invested in the development of the company. Research has found that individuals are more willing to take responsibility when they believe others are supportive and invested in their overall success at work.

These three R’s are together what builds corporate responsibility from the ground and up, starting with the junior employee and ending at the C-suite of directors.

leadership in a digital age – setting the example

For the leader trying to build a culture of responsibility in a digital environment, there are plenty of bumps along the way. But the best way to start, and always return to if things derail, is to lead by example. Set up a practice of how to deal with issues and problems which caused by digitalisation and make sure t always stick to praxis.

Also important is to let people solve these issues on their own. With a clear praxis of how to deal with digitalisation issues, it should be simple to solve without causing any governance trouble. And with the empowerment of letting employees learn and do for themselves comes the feeling of responsibility. This will make a person more likely to achieve higher levels of performance and generate better results, according to a Deloitte publication.

How to reach effective company culture with corporate resonsibility

The way to reach a good corporate culture, according to an article published by Forbes, is to create an environment where the team is involved. Some of matters mentioned in said article is that there can’t be lack of communication, support or leadership.

  • Communicate goals and expectation…

… And detail how to get there.

Employees respect consistency and well communicated plans as for where they are steering their focus. Therefore, it is important to avoid contradiction in order to keep spirits up and productivity flowing.

  • Support employees with an attitude of teamwork

A work environment where “everyone is in it together” has shown to make employees accomplish more in a shorter time. This is effective for both productivity and efficiency.

  • Lead from the front

Leading by example is the most secure strategy to get employees to go in the direction management want them to.  As to simple human psychology, a person is likely to replicate what their leader is doing. So to show the way instead of telling it will make sure that an employee easier embodies the values and attitudes set forth for the organisation.

Digital responsibility at DiliTrust

With a software solution to help safeguard business operations, companies step into the digitised world easier. The DiliTrust solutions are designed to keep corporate governance accessible for the right people, and have complete control over chain of delegation. All in order to ease the digital constrictions a company may experience.

Contact our team today to discuss how we can help your company prosper with your digital solutions, and to set up a demo for better understanding how the use of our products can be beneficial.

Stay informed, read our article “Can shareholder activism open up for better corporate governance?