
FACT SHEET I How Your European Board Self-Evaluation Should Change for a post-COVID 2021

Disruption continues to reign as we navigate a difficult year for Canadian boards. Our fact sheet holds the answers to the key areas that Canadian board self-evaluation should focus on for a stronger 2021.

FACT SHEET I How Your Canadian Board Self-Evaluation Should Change for a post-COVID 2021

Our fact sheet aims to provide clarity on what board self-evaluation should entail as directors look ahead to 2021 and envision more hopeful circumstances. Board of directors can use it to pinpoint key areas of importance for directors to focus on as well as a selection of expert questions that will prove useful to appraising their board performance in 2020. This fact sheet aims to help directors to clarify the changing expectations as well as the individual and collective roles and responsibilities of its directors as global economies brace themselves for crunch-time. After all regular initiated board evaluations spell smoother meetings, streamlined information channels, increased influence, and yields a more attentive board in terms of both short- and long-term corporate strategy.

Find out how to optimize your board self-evaluation for a post-COVID 2021 by filling in the form below