
A Guide to Data Governance & Privacy: A Checklist for Boards

As regulators ramp up data protection, organizations should prepare for a renewed focus on data privacy.

The Importance of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity and data protection have always been an issue for companies in the digital age but policies on how organizations collect, use, share, and store their consumer information have attracted renewed attention in recent years.
With cybercrime on the rise, Canada is taking steps to strengthen its data privacy legislation, putting greater regulatory pressure on organizations to address how, when, and why they collect personal data

Heightened enforcement and penalties

Organizations need to be aware that regulators are giving real teeth to privacy regulations, cracking down on compliance with penalties that send a message. The financial risks, and resulting reputational damage, should provide plenty of incentive for organizations who remain complacent or lackluster on their data protection efforts.

A Guide to Data Governance & Privacy: A Checklist for Boards