
What is the IT Director’s Role in Digital Transformation?

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What you gonna find inside ?

Every era is defined by its technology, and the only constant is change. Businesses are at the forefront of this change, integrating and embracing new technologies to fuel not just their growth but that of industry as a whole. While the board is busy scrutinizing balance sheets and setting policy, IT staff are providing the digital tools to help them do so. But without an experienced, competent, and forward-thinking IT Director at the helm, companies run the risk of falling behind and failing to optimize their resources.

The Role and Responsibilities of the IT Director

Think of your IT Director as the digital decision-maker of your company. This all-important senior staff member is responsible for assembling and assessing an organization’s tech stack, monitoring the IT team, and liaising with other departments. Their primary objective in all these roles is to ensure an organization’s digital infrastructure meets its operational and governance needs

Defining Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is the buzzword of the moment. But while it’s become a shorthand for technological change, practical application of the concept is unique to each organization. Not every company is at the same stage in its tech adoption. Some require customized solutions, and some rely on out-of-the-box offerings. While many Canadian companies have fully embraced the cloud, others are taking a more hybrid approach.

What is the IT Director’s Role in Digital Transformation?

Download your guide today to ensure your organization’s digital infrastructure meets its operational and governance needs.